What’s Your Vibe?

Get your bioenergetic vitality report today!

. . . and energy is everything . . . and everything is energy. . . and energy is everything. . . and everything is energy. . . 

Every Voice Counts. Literally.

Everyone has a quantifiable bioenergetic body-field that can be detected in a number of ways. Your unique voice vibrational signature is a quick, non-invasive, and highly effective way for you to safely assess the quality of the information carried your personal body-field.

Our biofield scanning technology taps into and measures your energetic affinity to a particular frequency via the ever-changing, ever-vibrating field of electromagnetic energy that you carry throughout your body and about 8-12 inches all around you. It can be picked up and read through your touch, your voice, and for some special people, your thought. The energetic patterns it picks up fall within a measurable range which helps to give a little insight into what your body is "thinking" about — not necessarily what it's bringing about (...yet).

Biochemical tests (urine, stool, saliva, blood, sweat, tears, hair, cell swabs, DNA and other tissue samples) give you very clear insight as to what the body is actually up to right now. The report generated from your biofield scan is not a biochemical (urine, blood, hair, tissue samples, etc) analysis. Our assessment is all about your bioenergetic signature, your uniquely personal electromagnetic frequency. It is about the energy that makes all things possible, and how it’s occurring for you and through you right then at the moment of your scan.

Regular biofield scans using our voice scanning technology are very useful in helping you track and even anticipate areas in your bioenergetic field that may need more attention from you, thus perhaps giving you the opportunity to correct energetic imbalances before they become materialized. The technology is designed to safely and accurately assess the biofield of humans, dogs, and horses — so far. As an alternative option, we have a remote hand scanning device which is often more useful than voice scanning for very small children, dogs, cats, and horses.

Exploring physical and emotional wellness from the perspective of root causes.

  • Beyond The Cell

    Ensuring the abundance of quality energy on a cellular (mitochondrial) level is of the utmost importance. But where does that energy come from? What is its source? Go beyond the cell and discover your bioenergetic field — the energetic source of YOU.

  • Connect With Your Biofield

    There are countless energetic transactions taking place in your body-field every nanosecond. Our unique software gives you an opportunity to get an idea of what your bio-field was like at the moment of the scan. You can connect with the areas that have the most relevance and resonance with you. More info here.

  • Raise Your Vibration

    Our software can detect where and to what degree your body-field is distorted or out of alignment with its ideal frequency. With this information, you are then able to know how to correct these distortions, raise your overall vibration, and help provide you with energy for life.

Raise your energetic awareness, raise your energy.

Is your bioenergetic field in alignment with your best self?


Raise your energetic awareness to raise your energy.

  • Get your detailed report and a custom scan score chart made exclusively by our practitioners at Debbie Does Detox. Contact us with a request for access to our portal at

    What's My Vibe?